Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chapter meeting for March

It's Lent, in case you haven't been paying attention. Time to put aside the things of the world and ask how you can be a better person and, if not, at least have sense enough to feel guilty about it.

Sister Jean is trying not to eat animals during this penitential season. Find out how she's doing with her Lenten diary over at the Refectory (click at right). Get weekly recipes for meatless dishes. If you don't like them, tough luck. Lent isn't supposed to be fun.

Also check out our prayer for Lent in the Prayer Room (click at right).

Don't forget to honor St. Gertrude, patron saint of cats! Check out her story from the Kalendar (right) of Our Animal Friends in Heaven.

Finally, Sister Shari has provided some links for edifying reading, to be posted in the next couple of days in the Lectonary.


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